Thursday, January 31, 2008

Setting up Eclipse to work on Moodle

ELGG, Social Networking

Elgg is an open-source social networking platform. It offers blogging, networking, community, collecting of news using feeds aggregation and file sharing features. Everything can be shared among users with access controls and everything can be cataloged by tags as well.

Video: Add tag to moodle


Moodle has about 22 different types of plugins last time I counted. Plugins can generally be self-contained in a single directory containing scripts, images, stylesheets and language files all in one package that can be dropped into the Moodle script directory in the right place. After that the admin just needs to visit the admin page to install them.

Most plugins work in one of two ways, they either provide a lib.php filled with common functions and some scripts with standard names, or they subclass a proto-plugin and override a few method functions to achieve their goals.

The best way to learn is to pick an example from the core code that is similar to what you want to do and start playing with it. There are also some template plugins to help get you started.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Firefox Web Developer Extension

The Web Developer extension adds a menu and a toolbar to the browser with various web developer tools.

Fluid, improve accessibility of e-learning

What is Fluid?

Fluid is a worldwide collaborative project to help improve the usability and accessibility of community open source projects with a focus on academic software for universities. We are developing and will freely distribute a library of sharable customizable user interfaces designed to improve the user experience of web applications.

Accessibilityy Evaluation

automatic tests, like Hera (, W3C markup validation service ( and W3C CSS validation service (

For manual tests I used firefox web developer tool and fangs extension, as well as opera browser and screen reader jaws for windows.

Online Survey Managment system

Monday, January 28, 2008

The most popular folksonomy sites:


Having all the alt text of the images,acronym and video captions in a database of the web site and when we reuse the images we get the same alt text from that database.

wizard that will create a user profile in the database for each user, and it will be used to customize the settings of the system each time the user log into the system.

Screen reader

JAWS, some are using Blindows with Webformator and Thunder.