Sunday, March 29, 2009

How to normalize data points to be within specefic range?

(score - min) / range, range is abs(Min)+abs(Max)
this will give always numbers between 0 and 1

score / (range/2) will normalize numbers between -1 and 1

This can be used if you want to graph a set of points on a limited workspace like a computer screen.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Conference Paper Writing Notes

* write the abstract lastly. Remember, a good abstract should contain the purpose of the study, the methods used, the results and the conclusions. Why it is important? What you did? How you do it? Which method is used? Results.

Are you writing an abstract for the publication or have I misunderstood? If so, here are a few questions that may help focus the mind (none of your answers can be more than 50 words):
1. list 3-5 readers;
2. What did you do?
3. Why did you do it?
4.What happened?
5 What do the results mean in theory?
6. What do the results mean in practice?
7.What ... Read Moreis the key benefit (to the reader)?
8. What remains unresolved? the 50 word limit is a very good exercise in being clear and conscise.

* In the introduction
what's, why, what's new.
identify problem, identify strength and weakness of existing strategies, summary of results

At the end describe the problem and what are the difficulties? so for each problem you identify you will need references to someone that discusses such problem.

without going into details, identify strengths and weaknesses of
the existing approaches

summarize your contributions to the problem, with special
highlight of what is really novel;

1- Don't insult other work in the field, instead take advantage of approaches used before.
2-Describe the term before using it.
3-instead of listing previous work , group them according to what approach they follow. Also, give the reason of weakness of the approach if any.
4- include any diagram, pseudo code that describes the work.
5-describe system components in abstract (top level view) and then give details about each component.
7- If introducing new methods give examples to explain how they can be applied.
8-emphasize the motivation behind the chosen design, possibly contrasting it
with other options); you will need to convince the reader why this is the
right approach.
9-You are not writing a user manual but a methodology

General Notes:
when you use 'e.g.' and 'i.e.' they always need to be followed by a comma (e.g., and i.e., )

never use short forms like don't or isn't in a paper (you always write do not and is not)

Never say easy or difficult without giving a details to the user (better to not say them, just describe the methodology and the user will identify the easy or difficulty of your description).

Notes in Case you have user studies:

1- The goal of the study (what do you want to measure)

2- Characteristics of the users you are using in the study.

3- Conditions in which the experiment is performed.

4- How you are conducting the experiment and how you are measuring the data.

5- Analyze the data collected and draw conclusions.