Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ideas For Research

Ideas For Research

Create Website have all information about making the internet with Arabic contents accessible for everyone.

Accessibility for online museums

Voice guided Java 2 micro edition can be used to add programs to cell phones.

Apache Lenya : Open Source content managment system which output is accessible.

Dot Learn is and open source LMS

to make Java choose any natural language use (i18N). (webSign at university of Tunis)

How to setup your online course to fit your disability best.

Convert word,PDF into MP3 (

Working Group in W3C, 4 hours per week

Adding rules for audio to read mathematical contents in a more meaningful way:

A^T (A transpose)
V^--> (vector V)

Firebug Ally accessibility extension

SUN open accessibility framework

it is hard for novice developer to remember all W3C, WCAG and section 508.

From the presentation of equation you can know what contents it presents and vice versa.

providing substitution within mathematical expression (replace complex sub-expressions with meaningful phrases) to give an overview of the equation.

Notes For My work

We need to have audio description while we move through different interfaces.

in human computer interaction Nielsen approach to evaluate user interface is the most useful one.

To identify cognitive learning styles use Felming and Mellis model.

Highlight has to start and end in space

Use ARIA for iframe to notify the user about the window when it appears

Ideas related to Data picker may be used to knwo how to make my iframe accessible.

To add web service to my work use Apache Axis